For groups or special requests such as handicapped seating, please call the box office at 763-553-1600 ext 1.
Photo credit: Jessica Hegland
Melody Mendis, the Midwest premier Barbra Streisand singing impersonator featured on WCCO and FOX 9 Morning Shows, is funny, witty, full of heart and surprises and entertains with a twist. The show Decades follows Barbra’s musical choices from her start in the 60’s to the new Millennium. From Funny Girl to Yentl, with all of your favorite songs in between!
“Melody Mendis does a spot-on Barbra Streisand impression, from the breathy way of talking to the mannerisms, but she also has the pipes to match. The performer’s interpretation fits into a set of Streisand hits and a cover or two; you’ll walk out hearing Mendis’ voice resounding through your brain, and heart.” —Star Tribune, Minneapolis MN
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